Wednesday, August 26, 2009

boring day

blogger apaan ne kalo seperti ini????
ga pernah eksis,
ga pernah posting,
ga da temen di network atau link.................
tak apa2 kali ye............
blog kaya gini malah jadi kaya buku diary aja..........
enjoy the life...........
life must be go on...............
nikmati hidup dengan apa adanya.........
tunduk pada RABB ku..............
dan ku mohonkan hidup ku damai dan selalu dalam lindunganNya.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

my holiday

these are pictures when i went to my grandpa's home in banjarnegara.
when i was in cepogo..

the beautiful dark valley of merapi mountain

"soto sokaraja" just eaten in wonosobo

plus a portion of "batagor" in wonosobo also

in my grandpa's garden, under the coconut tree and near the catfish pond

halting on the big black stone in the garden

how fresh, green youth coco...hmmm

brrp...brrp.....sipping water on the coco....

in the fence of my first elementary school

picking up the orange in my dad's orange garden

flying soul to the sky

who knows?
banjarnegara is a small county located in central java province, especially in the south part of central java. it's neighboring to banyumas, purbalingga,and purwokerto in the the south there is kebumen county directly verge. to the east, the freshness of air under sindoro mountain,  wonosobo county is separating banjarnegara to temanggung county. to the north, there is a mountain range separating its county to pekalongan county.
the center of the county is small, it's less than 10 minutes for you to accross it from the outer border in the east to the outer border to the west with 80 km/h speed. you can imagine how small the county is. nevertheless, there is no traffic jam or whoop-de-doo except in its traditional market. you can imagine how fresh th air in the city if there's no jamming and is the mountain range surround your city.
ouwh...i forget one thing, the county has its own special baverage named "dawet" which already known arround the country. so you can try the "dawet" in the city where it was born..
and find different milieu to enjoy it.
ehm the other important thing is
the journey was taking 5 hours long, u won't to get tired if u enjoy the trip..
beautiful scenery and fresh air u'll find along the trip..

if u want to try the tour, just call me, i'll give u giedence for that.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

this beautiful pic is created by the designer of the wotahita design groups..........

you can see pictures below..........

this is the final pic

how beautiful

it's the rhyme i made,,and attached in my photo...

it's my pic before the coarse attached...

Friday, January 9, 2009

today is my day

today is my day???
nope actually.....
i just being confused by so many tasks im not finished yet...
yah.....this just because of my negligence toward my responsibility,,further more, i never try to finish it,,oh my god,,what should i do???

can any body helps me???

Thursday, December 18, 2008

testing ubuntu intrepid ibex on my computer, dual boot xp and ubuntu 8.10 intrepid ibex

it's been a long time for me to want to know about linux, so i just googled at the time and tried to find the tutorial about linux...finally i found it,,word by word i'd read, finally i decided to try the intrepid once,,seems from the testimonial commented this is the easy one among the linux distros..

but the problems were; i dont really know about ubuntu it self, im not really sure about my knowledge in computing, and i dont have an intrepid to migrate my operating system to ubuntu, so actually i still need my xp inside. there is way out to fix my problems. is it?? and the answer is yess....absolutely....just visit ubuntu homepage and then ask for helps there. uniquely ubuntu never insists someone to move extremely to ubuntu, its over dual boot for your pc to have the xp and ubuntu. i just found the tutorial and i read it. and amazingly,,it was very simple tutorial and i could still follow that, so i just downloaded the iso file from the ubuntu home page, waiting for 1 hour and 30 minutes finally my iso file of ubuntu completed. hurried, i burned it to my cd, and yippeeeee......

my live cd was ready....

i inserted my cd to the room and re-booted the pc, booted from cd-room... and followed the simple instruction showed.. and here was the result:

i tried to acquint the ibex, so i just explored whatever it's brought..
and litle by litle, i knew the ibex by a glance,,
i want to acquint it at all, but it's impossible with limited time i had.
so having the ubuntu besides xp on my pc was happiest thing for now..

hopefully, i'll know more about these both of OS so i can fully work with both, moreover i can do something useful by both of them..

Monday, October 20, 2008

can you read this????

p+ni laelsri kliyn\ pnFu setYwn\
